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Hockey goalie suspensor

Hockey goalie suspensor - Why is it useful and important?

Wearing a hockey goalie suspender is also important for hockey goalies, here are the details on its importance.

High speed of balls and pucks

Hockey goalies have to catch many shots and passes during the game, and these shots often come at high speeds. The suspensor protects the genitals from possible hits and high speed shots from pucks or balls.


Hockey goalkeepers often have to protect the goal from shots that come with great force. A suspensor can reduce pain and injuries to the genital area caused by shock waves.


Hockey goalkeepers need to be confident in front of goal and wearing a suspensor can help to increase confidence. Knowing that their genitals are properly protected makes it easier for them to concentrate on the game and perform to the best of their ability.

Hockey goalie suspenders - Prevention

Using a suspensor helps prevent injuries such as trauma to the scrotum, which can cause longer-term health problems. It is crucial for goalkeepers to stay healthy so that they can play effectively in the long term.


A well-fitting sockliner provides a comfortable fit, which is particularly important for goalkeepers as it requires a range of body movements and quick reactions in goal.